Nocturnal Serenity

by Samuel HUYNH
Nocturnal Serenity
Samuel HUYNH
Digital Art - Digital Art Painting
Step into a realm of hushed enchantment with "Nocturnal Serenity," a captivating digital painting that captures the essence of a snowy Chelsea countryside night. The aged stone buildings frame a tranquil street adorned with a pristine blanket of snow, as a handful of wanderers amble through the stillness. The obsidian sky, bereft of stars, lends an aura of serene mystery to the scene. Embrace the quietude and find solace in the gentle ambiance of this masterpiece, where peace and stillness reign supreme.
August 29th, 2023
Comments (8)

Issie Alexander
I love the mood of this. So glad I found your gallery - so many beautiful pieces of art to look at.

Diane Hocker
Magical and dusky reminder of silent winter streets~ great mood!
Samuel HUYNH replied:
I'm thrilled you felt the magic and mood of the silent winter streets—thank you, Diane!